Elevate your games with Metriqus

Data is the key to success in the gaming industry

Data analysis is essential for successful marketing campaigns. Metriqus automates the analysis of data from multiple channels to generate insights and ensure the right marketing actions are taken.

  • Powerful visualizations

  • Actionable insights

  • Easy to use


Our platform is built with the unique needs of game studios in mind, ensuring a game-focused approach.

Metriqus; your trusted partner for data-driven game marketing.

4 steps to unlock value for your game with Metriqus integration:

1. Metriqus Integration

Integrate Metriqus with your game development platform using our comprehensive documentation and support resources.

2. Ad Campaign Launch

Unleash your marketing campaigns and start acquiring users across various channels.

3. Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

Metriqus automatically analyzes campaign performance and user behavior data, providing insights to inform your marketing strategy.

4. Monitoring and Insights

Gain access to key metrics and actionable insights, allowing you to continuously monitor and optimize your content, campaigns, and strategies for sustained growth.